With Updraft’s unique contract drafting engine, you can cut the time and costs of legal drafting by up to 90%. Spend more time making deals and less time worrying about non-compliant contracts.

Contract drafting

Systemised algorithms and dynamic legal databases that mimic and automate drafting processes followed by lawyers, making it easy enough for non-lawyers to use.


Keep track of all key contract deadlines through a colour coded, user specific inbox.
Simple Q&A questionnaire even non-lawyers can understand.
Analytics tool for real-time reports and striking graphics.
Store documents securely, find any contract at the click of a button.
Controlled drafting process prevents the inclusion of illegal, outdated or unapproved contractual terms or the use of incorrect precedents, and keeps contracts consistent.
Central repository of all signed contracts and supporting documents gives you full knowledge and oversight. No more contracts hidden in bottom drawers.
Bulk contracting processes included at no extract cost: paperless drafting, electronic signature, distribution and storage of large volumes of contracts in extremely short timeframes and with minimal effort. All via email, internet or bulk generation technologies.

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Try our award-winning drafting process

Use Updraft’s simple drafting process to create your first NDA in just 4 minutes.

Try it now
Create an NDA online with Updraft's award-winning contract drafting software.
PC Mag review: arguably the easiest platform for any business user to create and execute contracts with.

The questionnaire-based contract authoring process is unequalled by any other tool we tested. Combined with seamless approval workflows and signing, it makes Updraft arguably the easiest platform for any business user to create and execute contracts with.

Contract management

Take full control of legal risk management. Updraft contract management gives you real time, in-depth data for each and every contract, from the point of taking instructions to the termination of the agreement. Easily and centrally store, view and manage agreements.


Central control and management of all signed contracts and supporting documents, with oversight and integrated risk management across the entire business.
Powerful reporting engine: Identifies and extracts key data points to more effectively organise contracts and contract obligations.
Automated notifications of contracts nearing expiry, renewals, BEE certificate expiries, condition precedent deadlines and escalation clause anniversaries.
Version control of all contract drafts, coupled with the ability to keep electronic case files, notes and copies of supporting documentation.
Search and filter functionality allows for multi-tiered, logical grouping of contracts and makes finding documents extremely easy.
Automatic compliance with the GDPR and POPIA. Bank level security: Data encryption and security, system back-ups every four minutes, and access to information on a ‘need-to-know’ basis.
Contract data that drives forecasting, reporting and business intelligence functions, with customised reports for cross-referencing and integration with other databases.
Careful management of contract approvals and sign-off procedures, including Levels of Authority specific to the terms of the transaction concerned; as well as secure approval of contracts.

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Create and manage contracts online. Get a free Updraft trial.