Updraft merges intelligent technology with a deep understanding of legal practice.

Updraft is a platform designed by lawyers for lawyers. But it’s also the platform for anyone: business owners, sales teams, HR consultants or estate agents. Updraft believes in affordable legal access for all. And it believes in freeing lawyers from the mundane, repetitive and time-consuming tasks that overwhelm their days.

Brought to you by Origin Systems
Market leader in legal support solutions for more than 10 years.


Listed companies and multinationals

59 000


2.2 million +


around the world get legal services, software and support from us.
A global map of the countries where Updraft is used.
Updraft PC Mag review: The Global leader for legal drafting and management.

Global leader for legal drafting and management.

“The questionnaire-based contract authoring process is unequalled by any other tool we tested. Combined with seamless approval workflows and signing, it makes Updraft arguably the easiest platform for any business user to create and execute contracts with.”

Updraft is Deloitte’s selected alliance partner.
Deloitte’s selected alliance partner.

See how organisations around the world are using Updraft to transform their contract and legal processes.