Updraft client: Lexcorp



Legal services, recoveries and insurance underwriting management


As a provider of legal support, bulk claims recoveries and underwriting management services to large insurers and corporate entities, Lexcorp has to balance the provision of the highest levels of legal professionalism with a real pressure to ensure cost-effective solutions.


  • MatterMap was embedded into Lexcorp’s specialist legal call centre to deliver both case management functions, as well as the automated drafting of a broad range of legal contracts, litigation pleadings, correspondence, legal opinions and related documents.
  • The solution includes a full audit trail of all case interactions, as well as deadline reminders, cost-tracking, escalations and seamless third-party communications.
  • Legal drafting time was slashed though the use of systemised algorithms that include the automated injection of all data collected during previous interactions with the client.
  • Data analytics, tailored reports and performance dashboards have enhanced productivity and provide the mechanism to prove value to clients.


Updraft’s contract management software solution is far superior to any legal software solution that we have either had the benefit of working on or testing before. Combined with the powerful innovations delivered by MatterMap, the software has been the key that has allowed us to unlock tremendous value in the market. It is unsurpassed in its ability to cut drafting times, whilst still ensuring a managed process that allows for nothing but the highest levels of legal professionalism. The managed workflows display a complete understanding of the realities of legal practice and ensure that we have failsafe and inbuilt oversight and compliance every step of the way.

Ben Raseroka
CEO, LexCorp (Legal Exchange Corporation)